Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm sitting here, not doing my back exercises and daydreaming.

I feel pretty bad because I missed my doctors appointment by accidentally sleeping in. Bad girl, bad bad girl. Now I gotta talk to my job tomorrow because this thing is due SOON. I hope they let me work...wah.

It's summer, truly truly truly.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Good Stuff

Today was pretty chill. Woke up, ate breakfast, chilled, and went to Arlington for my friend Andrea's birthday!!!!! Yahhoooo. She's nineteen, and I'm jealous. I only have a few weeks left of being a teenager.

I kind of want to do stereotypical teenager-y things....maybe shout to the world that they don't understand or wear a prom dress or have a MySpace photoshoot or ...I don't know.

Honestly, I feel like I'm still going to be a teenager even when I'm not. I'm too young of a person to want to grow up, and as mature as I am I feel like a child. I think it's the maturity that wants to cherish every joyful moment.

Anyways, it has come to my attention that I should probably blab about how the name of my blog came to be. The name, "The Good Stuff," was actually inspired by the Kenny Chesney song that I love so so much!!!! The title is a reminder of what things in life, as simple as they may be, are truly significant to the human heart.

'Cause it's the first long kiss on a second date.
Momma's all worried when you get home late.
And droppin' the ring in the spaghetti plate,
'Cause your hands are shakin' so much.
An' it's the way that she looks with the rice in her hair.
n' eatin' burnt suppers, the whole first year,
An' askin' for seconds to keep her from tearin' up.
Yeah, man, that's the good stuff.

"'Cause the one thing stronger than the whiskey:

"Was the sight of her holdin' my baby girl.
"The way she adored that string of pearls,
"I gave her the day that our youngest boy, Earl,
"Married his high school love."
"An' it's a new tee-shirt saying: 'I'm a Grandpa'.
"Bein' right there as our time got small,
"An' holdin' her hand, when the Good Lord called her up,
"Yeah, man, that's the good stuff."

So, on Thursday I move to Maryland for camp. I'm excited, yet sad that I'm leaving good ole' Virginia. I'm gonna have to start packing and planning things to bring. Wah. Packing always stresses me out.

Errr, it's 3 in the morning and I want to wake up at a decent time. Wayyyyy to go me....

Goals for the morning:
  • make a packing list
  • back exercises
  • Economics studying...
Alright...gonna get a snack and sleep. Gnight.

~Esa Cita

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Little Moments

My Godson

Today, my lil godson a.k.a. baby brother Javi fell asleep in my arms for the first time in forever.

It was awesome.

Little kids are the cutest people, and when they sleep it's just amazing.

Another cool thing that happened was that I had a really great experience after Mass that made me quite happy. I really like my confirmation saint, Therese is mah girl.

Now, I'm really tired and my head kinda I'm gonna go sleep now.


~Esa Cita

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Gift of God"

Flowers: Gift of God

Good Evening!

So tonight, I got the loveliest surprise at about 10:23pm: flowers and a card left by a mysterious young lad! :)

Okay, he's not necessarily mysterious, but he is a quite a wonderful young lad though...I think I'll keep him. ;)

This is a song he likes and was trying to learn how to play:

Today, I went to a Deaconate Mass for his friend who now is a deacon in the church! Yahhooooo! I haven't been at a Deaconate Mass since my uncle became a deacon. Unfortunately, I never got to attend his priest ordination. :( Wah.

So uh, today, I did a bunch of prayers of gratituuuuuudddeeee. I'm really grateful for blessings. I'm really grateful for God's beautiful will, and I can't wait to see what other cool things He might thrown in my direction.

Yeah dude. I really need to do the I shall.

Good night <3

~Esa Cita