Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Night

Stuck in frame.

I think I've reached the point in The Rhythm of Life that I haven't ever gotten to before, so it's pretty exciting in my imagination I must say.

This is a true sign of reading progress---considering I can't count the number of times that I've tried finishing reading it and failed every single time.  Poor Matthew Kelly.  When he came to visit my high school three years ago, most of my schoolmates weren't very receptive of anything about him other than his accent.  Some of my close friends and I were enthralled, but as my attention span for books wasn't very optimal back then, I never was able to finish the book he gave us.  However, he continues to be one of my favorite people.  He even generously allowed his new book to be $2 for a month or I bought 6 for Christmas and have been distributing in my family.

The White Stripes is playing and I'm so tempted to make some coffee, drink it, and feel fabulous about myself.  However, discipline tells me that I will be happy in the morning if I go to bed soon instead.  I need to get on the whole school schedule soon....classes will be here before I know it and I want to be ready to attack it.

With every new semester, I like to reinvent and tell myself that THIS TIME, yes this time, I'll get everything right.  Every semester, I fail my high expectations and tell myself that it's okay and that I must try again.  Every time, I get a bit stronger in my convictions and work harder.  This semester is going to be the same in a way, I don't imagine wanting to lose passion and purpose. I want to be happy, isn't that logical?

Oh Jack Johnson, you're making me want to sing to a song.

Anyways, I think I have enough random thoughts that I've been a-typing.  I'm gonna search for some chocolate, talk to God, and take out my contacts.  Probably not in that order.  Good night world!

~Esa Cita

P.S. This morning I woke up and my throat didn't hurt anymore, nor was I dizzy, and I can breathe.  My "disease" is gone!!!!! Yessssss.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My Book List Journey is continuing....

So far this year I have finished:
-Stuck in the Middle - Virginia Smith
-Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love - Edward Sri
-The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis

I am currently reading:
-The Rhythm of Life - Matthew Kelly
-The Way - Josemaria Escriva
-P.S. I Love You - Cecelia Ahern
-Love on a Dime - Cara Lynn JAmes
-Love and Freindship - Jane Austen

Matthew Kelly and Love on a Dime are getting most of the attention.  I'd like to think that this whole reading multiple books thing is keeping my brain on it's toes this winter break.

I got my U.S. passport today! It's too much money I tell ya, too much. I feel so broke. I haven't needed one since I was 5 months old, so my "latest" passport was a Spanish one with a picture of some infant girl I don't recognize. ;) It made the post office lady giggle.  I also got my hair cut today! Dundundun, Cita has "bangs" and short hair again!

So, with my short hair, no money, fun books, and possibilities of cool changes within the next few months, I say the year 2011 can bring it on!!!!

~Esa Cita

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hero of the Day

"Some people live famous and well-known lives; others slip in and out of our lives without much notice. Take the time today to notice someone who usually doesn't attract much attention."

St. Thorfinn was a tight guy, no one knows much about him though.  Just the thought that so many saints go through life unrecognized with their beautiful souls makes me want to sit and smell the roses so much more!  Hey you saints, come have coffee with me I want some of your advice!

St. Thorfinn, pray for us!