It's late again and I'm not in bed yet. Bad!
I decided to blog since it's been a while.
So here I am, chilling in Maryland and working at my summer camp in Georgetown Prep. My six-year olds keep me busy and quite drained of energy. My back is killing me; I haven't been taking good enough care of my body. Things like eating and sleeping have been taking the back-burner lately, and yesterday I almost blacked out...but I am happy. I'm so not ready for classes to begin again and the rest of my life to keep on that terrible? I just want to not be 20 for as long as possible.
Speaking of being 20, my birthday was about a week and a half ago. Since my family went on vacation that weekend, I didn't have a chance to really do things with friends...but it still was a wonderful day just as well. My boyfriend took me out to coffee that morning and my co-workers surprised me with treats and goodies and cakes and cupcakes....and the whole camp sang to me and I wore an amazing hat. It was the smiles and happy celebrations like as if it was a national holiday that made me feel super special. My aftercare kids made me cards, which made me smile.
I love people who love me.
So tomorrow my grandparents are taking me to a fund-raising event for a politician here in Maryland for my birthday outing. I'm pretty excited...they've known this dude's mom since they've met.
In other news, Fidel Castro made it into the news yesterday. Interesting.
Anyways, I got a ticket this past weekend! Wah :( Court date is next month. I feel bad because I was with Julia-Anne and she had to deal with my foolishness. Buuuuuuuuuuuut...I did get to see Despicable Me.
To do:
-make lunch so don't die tomorrow
-wash dishes
-fill out paperwork
-get clothes for tomorrow
Good night blog!!!
~Esa Cita
Don't feel bad. I still think you're amazing and it was an adventure :) Too bad we can't blame someone for directions this time but that was on the way... :P