The Way
The month of November is about to "attack" me.
(For lack of articulate words that describe busy) I've been anticipating this month like my friend probably anticipated her Marine Corps Marathon she ran a bit over a week ago. Until I leave for Thanksgiving Break, I will be on "Eeeek" mode. But it's okay...because, well, it has to be.
I just registered for my classes to take next semester. I have to take two almost-3-hour and classes because that's the only way that they're offered next semester. I am not pleased. I detest late class & once a week classes, and I'm taking three. But if I want my diploma, I need to suck it up.
Once the next two weeks are over, most of my work will be through and I'll be able to get ready for finals. How crazy is that? Finals. Already. Eek.
On the up-side, I had a job interview this past weekend with the hotel at my school. The manager was SO nice and awesome. I have a second interview, probably next week. I'm pumped.
This past weekend, I experienced some challenges...but also a lot of love. It's in the love that I'm not totally freaking out. I'm scared about life as a student and as a me, but I'm loved. I got a letter, a song, and support for seemingly no reason at all other than the fact that I'm loved. Funny thing is, it was given to me in the most perfect way possible and I didn't really even ask for it. Heaven knows that I needed it.
Life sure is confusing and hurts sometimes, but it's full of so many gifts.
~Esa Cita
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