Sunday, April 24, 2011


If I look at my clock right now, I can see that today is now EASTER!!!

However, my family has always observed the rule stating that waiting until midnight for festivities to begin or end  is "cheating" or "not how we do it" and that one should not live life in that manner.  The counting-down attitude of trying to get the most bang for your buck just never appealed to us when it came to matters like this. 

Total love demands total love,  not rules, trade and quarters like a soda machine relationship.

So therefore, I will not celebrate until I wake up in the morning to celebrate Mass.

For a few more hours, I will wait in silence. I will use the moments I still have to practice waiting, as impatient as I am.  Perfect opportunity to grow.

In the past few years I have learned the beauty of silence, and I have seen that increasingly I've been able to handle it.  Silence no longer is lonely, but everyday grants me more and more assurance that I'm never alone.  This silence carries over to the daily dealings with noise that often keep us from having a clear and rational thought process.

Today in my seemingly never ending race against time, I found myself running to God with my rushing. "Restless until I rest in you" totally crossed my mind while I was crossing state borders, buying last minute things, scribbling last minute research, and filling up my Saturday with mindless activities that I wish I could blow off for another weekend.  Any weekend but this.  But such is the life of a student whose final grade opportunities are here, now, to be posted forever.

How does one stay sane in these times? Oh finals.

Off to have some silence, prayer time, and sleep.

~Esa Cita

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