Saturday, August 27, 2011

Peace in the storm

I never cease to be amazed at the doors that God opens up to us when we are earnestly seeking to follow the way, the truth, and the life.  Today in prayer I believe that there was an opening to what I am called to do this year.  So plan of attack: keep praying about it and be open to the moments of peace where I know what to do and where to go.  Best you can do when you're just human with few chances to grasp things that are outside of time. ;p

As I take a small break here before heading for more 168 things, I pause and smile with peace.  Wonderful things are happening here on campus, just as they do every year.  I love it, despite my inability to be everywhere at the same time.  Thank you God for a great last 168 here on campus, thank you so much.

~Esa Cita

P.S. Hurricane Irene is starting to hit us right now...but she's just a lil storm. Tehe.

Friday, August 26, 2011

1-6-8: a pause.

In the midst of this running day, I stopped to eat.  I took a deep breath, and many more deep bites into my sandwich. 

I have been up getting tasks done since 8am this morning and have yet to stop to take some type of nap or stop.  I have fallen asleep in prayer and stayed in the prayerful state the entire night, to wake up with a headache.  I have partied away my night with a migraine and met many a new friend. I have spoken to many, prayed for the many, and I can't remember much past the last few hours that I've been awake.  I am everywhere and no where.  I am letting everyone and no one down.  Sometime today, I will finish the newsletter for my internship. 

But above all I have three numbers constantly on my mind, heart, and soul: 1,6, and 8.  Those numbers are the defining countdown, the stage-setter for the next nine months.  Always in the back of my head, Mary is telling me that her kiddies are walking all over campus and my job is to talk to them for the remaining of the 168 because they are super precious to her.  The hours are a whirlwind, the hearts are looking for sacrifices.  Everything is at stake, the price has been set high due to demands in love.

My name is Cita, and my life is student leader.

~Esa Cita

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Miracles with Reason

This evening on my way home from work I was almost involved in a five-car crash in which I would have been hit hard by a combination of three cars from behind.  While I slammed on my breaks as hard as I could to avoid hitting an ugly license plate that decided to move from 50mph to 09, I had a naive peace on my mind that told me that I was going to be okay.  Luckily, I was naive and correct.  After stopping, I looked behind to see a car pulled to the grass and two other cars that showed signs of some stressful swerving.  I'd feel more guilty about the pain I caused them if I had more control over the situation.

Needless to say, this incident led to a bit of thought.  It reminded me of the time that I have been given to live.  How do I appreciate the gift of life?  Am I living with passion and purpose every day?  Why am I not in absolute pain?

I was reminded that I've been put here and kept here with a purpose.  No random Cita life for moi!  I was created for today, to humbly report that I have failed in my second and third days of my Triple R bootcamp with the exception of my daily Rosary---man I love Mama Mary.  I was created for today, to have a delicious dinner with Colleen at the Havabite Family Restaurant in downtown Fairfax and adore the yummy Greek food.  I was created for today, to speak to my brother in Colorado while I finished my internship homework.  I was created for today, to give each of my breaths to God.  I was created for today, to realize that when I do what I was meant to do, I will live each day with a fire that no one could deny.  Such a good life.

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on FIRE." -St. Catherine of Siena

~Esa Cita

Monday, August 8, 2011

day one

My first day of the three R boot-camp proved to be a fulfilling day.  After a lovely Mass at school and brunch with the Seniors (aren't we the cutest?), I came home to paint the fourth wall of my room.  Today I will approve/disapprove to determine whether or not it needs a second coat.  As of last night, it looked SO great.  Seeing those four walls colored was such a cool thing.  Walking around Fairfax that afternoon with paint in my hair and on the back of my heel was another...

Once we finished with the second coat of paint, the kiddies and I watched another episode of Psych.  Now, because I still wore paint all over me I had to lay on the hard-non-carpet-y part of the floor.  Which would have been fine, except my 11-year old brother was sitting on top of me pulling my ponytail the entire episode adding much more suspense and headache to the episode.
Just in case you were wondering what it looked like, here's an example.
Okay, so now on to the part where I get specific about my three R's.

Rosary:  The rosary was done on my way to Mass that morning.  I was impatiently waiting for my dad to return the car, and was consequently late to Mass. Meditating was the perfect way to not get angry on the road for being late.  Surprisingly enough the entire rosary was finished before I arrived, which means that I hit a lot of red lights.

Run:  My run was completed after the Psych episode.  It started out with listening to a cutesy Owl City love song, then I found myself praying and soon enough a running date with Jesus began.  The rain started to pour down on me, and I was just thoroughly enjoying it.  Right now I don't remember much other than the peace felt there in the rain, but what a good time it was.  When I got home I spent about 30 minutes of my favorite things to do after a run.

Read:  For the last 30 minutes of my day, I read from my good ole' G.K. Chesterton book that needs to be finished by the 11th.  Why the 11th? Because I said so, because I want to suck in thought processes.

Successful day.  Friends, breakfast, running, reading, praying, romance, and joy.  Gotta say, it was a nice day of rest.

~Esa Cita

“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.”  -G. K. Chesterton

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Childhood dreams and a rosary

Two main things took place today.

First of all, I finished my summer reading book for CYO.  Yahoo! On to the next one.

I'm not a fan of the title, but I AM a fan of Jason Everts' sarcastic humor.
While it took me longer than I had anticipated to finish, the final chapter was well worth the wait.  Plus, Jason Evert once had a nice hamster and can occasionally hear violins playing while bad boys tell cool stories.

I now have given myself the goal of August 11th to march through my Aquinas book.  It is high time I finished, because I have accumulated a large sum of books that I want to finish before August 20th.  Impossible? Perhaps.  Will I try from this day forward to suck in as many good books as possible? Oh, you betcha.  I'm feeling greedy this month.  From today forward, I have a few daily "chores" that I will bootcamp myself through:
  1. a run
  2. a read
  3. a rosary
It doesn't have a name yet, but once I come up with something cool to call it I will let you know.  This Triple R, or R Cubed Project will continue until August 20th when I go back to school. 

 Second main thing that took place today: my family and I have completed 3/4 of painting my room.  No pictures yet, but it's really exciting for me.  21 years and I have never painted my own room.  A childhood necessity will be completed tomorrow when we finish the last wall.

Well, it is now 12:38 and I have to shower, crawl into the bottom part of the trundle bed I'm going to sleep in tonight while my painted room dries, and sleep.  Tomorrow's a new fresh day where I wil go to Mass, eat an awesome brunch with fabulous people, finish a childhood dream, start my RRR "Bootcamp," and maybe watch an episode or two of Psych.


~Esa Cita

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer night

As I wait for the last few minutes of this hour to pass away so that I can go home, I'm making a mental list of things I want to do tonight before I go to sleep.
  • Watch another episode of Pysch, or a movie.
  • Drink a tasty drink
  • Finish my July book
  • Clear the last things from my room to prepare for painting in the afternoon
  • Get in my PJs and stretch my sore legs
  • Thank God for a beautiful life
~Esa Cita