Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Miracles with Reason

This evening on my way home from work I was almost involved in a five-car crash in which I would have been hit hard by a combination of three cars from behind.  While I slammed on my breaks as hard as I could to avoid hitting an ugly license plate that decided to move from 50mph to 09, I had a naive peace on my mind that told me that I was going to be okay.  Luckily, I was naive and correct.  After stopping, I looked behind to see a car pulled to the grass and two other cars that showed signs of some stressful swerving.  I'd feel more guilty about the pain I caused them if I had more control over the situation.

Needless to say, this incident led to a bit of thought.  It reminded me of the time that I have been given to live.  How do I appreciate the gift of life?  Am I living with passion and purpose every day?  Why am I not in absolute pain?

I was reminded that I've been put here and kept here with a purpose.  No random Cita life for moi!  I was created for today, to humbly report that I have failed in my second and third days of my Triple R bootcamp with the exception of my daily Rosary---man I love Mama Mary.  I was created for today, to have a delicious dinner with Colleen at the Havabite Family Restaurant in downtown Fairfax and adore the yummy Greek food.  I was created for today, to speak to my brother in Colorado while I finished my internship homework.  I was created for today, to give each of my breaths to God.  I was created for today, to realize that when I do what I was meant to do, I will live each day with a fire that no one could deny.  Such a good life.

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on FIRE." -St. Catherine of Siena

~Esa Cita


  1. thank you, God bless you :)

  2. Thank God you are healthy and alive! Even the thought scares me to think what would have happened if you were in the car crash.
    I hope the people who were are alright!
    These really makes me appreciate life.
    I am SO glad you are alive and that God cross my path with yours!
    AMIGA! :)
