Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brest Friend

The following are reasons why Ana Teresa Deliz is my best friend.

  • She tells me to fix my eyebrows when they don't look good to her...and then changes her mind.
  • She doesn't like my facial expressions---they're "..special" to her.
  • She laughs in my face when I make a fool out of myself.
  • She makes fun of everything I do.
  • She loves teasing me before, during, and after all my mistakes.
  • When I pour my soul out to her on the phone...she yells "WAIT!"/"YESS???!!" and talks to her family members about the food that they're going to be eating and how she's on the phone talking to Carmen.
  • She tells me that I'm awesome.
  • She has a secretary for when I need to rant who will transcribe the message for Ana to laugh at, then talk to me about how I feel.

Behold, my best friend Ana.  I've posted about her before.  However, today while I was heading to work late from a class that went over I was inspired by one of her text messages that reminded me of the beauty of our friendship and why no one, not even my worst enemy (if I ever had one), could ever truly affect me with silly insults.

The love of my best friend has this all well taken care of.  With Ana's support...I conquer the world.

Ana inspires me to be a fool and to be laughed at in return.  As a person of ridiculousness, I often am faced with a questioning look, glare, or laugh.  With Ana on my side, I can remember that life is all about doing what's worth it---even when you get laughed at sometimes.  While I don't believe that life is to be lived in order to accumulate laughs, I do recognize that there will be many a time when doing what's worth it will collect a laugh or two in this collection called life....such as this afternoon when I acted like an idiot and had to call Ana's secretary to let Ana know.

Thank you Ana for always making sure I know that I am ridiculous.  Thank you for toughening me up, and reminding me to fight for what's worth it.

~Esa Cita

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