Thursday, July 26, 2012

Paternal Unit-Favorite Version

~Texting with my Dad~

Me: Who's picking me up from the airport?
Dada: Your favorite father deluxe.
Me: Excellent. Carry on, sir.
Dada: Outstanding.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Tonight, my dear friend whom I affectionately call Kay Kay is sleeping over.  The next morning, we're heading off to Maryland to drop me off at the airport where I will fly to North Carolina, then Florida!

I've missed my dear Florida, so this will be a fabulous adventure.   When I first came to the U.S. as an infant, I lived in Niceville, Florida for two years after a 5-week stay in Alabama.  Yes, it's called Niceville, and my neighbors were very nice. 

Despite its lovliness, I can't wait to get out of dear 'Ole Virginia, the place for lovers.  It's been about five weeks here, and I haven't gone far since I stayed in Illinois five weeks ago.

Sad thing today: I will bid farewell to my boyfriend after we both get off from work.  I won't see him until Thanksgiving, so that's not too cool.  I refuse to do anything silly like sob or say sappy things...that would just be embarrassing. 

Okay, back to cleaning, letter-writing, and doing things today.

~Esa Cita

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Warrior Princess Mode

A love stronger than death.

I've always been a Warrior Princess from the day I was born.  Between being the daughter of a Colonel in the Air Force/black belt in Tae Kwon Do/All-Air Force Wrestler, having five ridiculous brothers, and from playing soccer and war with all my cool homeschool dude friends, there was just no way that dresses and and pink could ever compare to the romantic dreams of one day being a flight nurse, rescuing soldiers on the battlefield and then getting shot in the leg from enemy fire as a I pulled a dying soldier into safety.

The funny thing about being a Warrior Princess is that despite the inner tendency to fight, be dramatic, and be tough, there is that extreme sensitivity and royalty that comes with the Princess part.

You get your own room when you're a princess.  You also never really are in grave danger nor are  totally alone despite your passionate and independent tendencies.  You have this ownership and royalty about you, deep inside your soul, one which isn't taken away by circumstance or societal status.  It's written inside of you, and civilization must flock to your standards.

My experience of being a woman has been one where there is a kind of power of being both a warrior and a princess.  I don't really know what it's like to be a man, but I've been told and have seen that it's very much one of awe from a woman's mystery and majesty.

When I was a toddler, I used to ask my Dad to give me a military haircut. I'm so glad now that my mom said no.

When I had crushes on boys, I played freeze tag and beat them to make sure that they were impressed by my stellar skills and pretty shirt.

When I wasn't allowed to go out, I climbed out of my window and jumped off the roof to "run away" ...for a 20-minute walk.

When I had my re-version back into having a deeper relationship with Jesus, it was a St. Ignatius kind of experience. Physical injury from a car accident leading to deep prayer life----yeah, budddyyyy.

When I began developing in my prayer life, Josemaria Escriva became my dude.You know, the guy who tells all his loved ones to suck it up and be a courageous lover of Christ. Sigh, what a stud.

Everything with me has been a battlefield, a dramatic and romantic dance, a roller-coaster passion of life.

That's a bit of why I really really like St. Cecilia.  She converted her husband on their wedding night, and they both died for the faith.  After bleeding for three days with huge slash of the sword on her neck, St. Cecilia died throwing up a sign for the Holy Trinity ("Three persons, One God").  This lady goes hard.  This lady means business: she's a true Warrior Princess.

Amen, alleluia.  I could only dream of one day being on that level of swag.

~Esa Cita