Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Tonight, my dear friend whom I affectionately call Kay Kay is sleeping over.  The next morning, we're heading off to Maryland to drop me off at the airport where I will fly to North Carolina, then Florida!

I've missed my dear Florida, so this will be a fabulous adventure.   When I first came to the U.S. as an infant, I lived in Niceville, Florida for two years after a 5-week stay in Alabama.  Yes, it's called Niceville, and my neighbors were very nice. 

Despite its lovliness, I can't wait to get out of dear 'Ole Virginia, the place for lovers.  It's been about five weeks here, and I haven't gone far since I stayed in Illinois five weeks ago.

Sad thing today: I will bid farewell to my boyfriend after we both get off from work.  I won't see him until Thanksgiving, so that's not too cool.  I refuse to do anything silly like sob or say sappy things...that would just be embarrassing. 

Okay, back to cleaning, letter-writing, and doing things today.

~Esa Cita

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