Monday, December 24, 2012

The Call for Ayuda

I've heard it said (by a fantastic father) that saints have saints for friends.  The statement makes sense: St Francis Xavier and St. Ignatius,  St. Clare and St. Francis, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine; they all had each other, they all lent a helping hand to get the other into heaven.

There was a long-run ramification from their friendship.  They all had short-term thing-a-ma-bobbers that tickled their fancy at one point in their lives.  But, when it came to the real stuff, when it came to the current state of their soul, when it came to who they were and who they were called to become, it was that heavenly friendship that helped lead them home to eternal joy.

Perhaps Ignatius was annoyed by the crazy party-boy Xavier,
but shoot mayne, he loved the kid.

Maybe Ambrose wanted to punch Augustine in the face like he was Santa Clause,
but shoot mayne, he wanted that man in heaven.

We are social creatures with social tendencies and social desires.  That's why peer pressure is a big deal.  That's why the day when I can see that myself and another have befriended each other into the place that which our souls love will be one of the best days of my short time on this little earth.  To love another like myself, oh what a joy!

On that note, I would like to switch the subject matter of what I really wanted to say.

My friend, Ruth from The Itchy Scapular, has lots of words up her sleeve.  Combining words into a beautiful harmony of sass, love, and joy are her forte, and the long-run makes her happy.  She likes the long-run instead of the short-run; she's the long-run's biggest fan.

I am a fan of her long-term happiness.  I just like it a whole lot.  I also like practicing the art of combining vowels with consonants in the hopes of making dreams come true and laughs ring through.  Oh Itchy Scapular, where have you gone?

Write me some words, inspire me some more.  Give this world some of your fresh air to hoard.  (Just kidding, I'll share.  Not hoard.)

Saints have saints for friends.  Bloggers have bloggers for friends.  I want to be a saint and a blogger, won't you please help me out?

1 comment:

  1. And the Catholic Blogging community is so great! I've made several amazing friends through it and even plan to meet one of them in person at SEEK2013! Isn't Catholicism so incredible? It's like we have a pre-existing sisterhood!
