Good day folks, this is your captain speaking. We will be departing at approximately 0630AM, destination Catholic Disneyland in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois with an overnight stop at Columbus, Ohio, land of the Jonathan Smiths. I would like to please remind you to fasten your seat-belts and turn on the Audrey Assad, Backstreet Boys, and Beethoven, as it is going to be a bumpy and long car ride. For a special fee of $00,000.00, we will be providing a video blog and eventually notes documenting the trip and any pearls of wisdom obtained from the stay at Catholic Disneyland, also at times known as the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. The goal is to spread the tools given to us onto the George Mason University Catholic Campus Ministry Community.
All are encouraged to please take from the nuggets and to encourage each other to do so as well. There are no emergency exits, and this is not a drill. May produce side effects of joy, peace, excitement, and the opposite of death. Suitable for all ages. Standard rates apply. Please see humans for details. Thank you for choosing George Mason University and we hope that you have a lovely week, life, and eternal salvation.
~Esa Cita
LOVE THIS! and i am super duperdee stoked about the vlog.