Thursday, June 2, 2011

Turn around, you just passed by beautiful

When I "grow up" I'm going to look back upon my last summer as an undergrad student and I will smile upon it with joy.

---I will remember jumping in a pool with my clothes on and throwing myself in with a cartwheel 30 minutes later.
---I will remember making the least amount of money that I had ever made in a college summer and desperately searching for concrete answers to everything.
---I will remember Lil' Wayne shocking the world with a slow thought-provoking song on the sad concept of not knowing how to love.  [This may be the only legitimate proof that the world is much closer to ending.....;) ]
---I will remember having the chance for the first time in a college summer to have a social life instead of working every single minute until bedtime.
---I will remember the beauty of prayer, the rosary, advertising Mulieris Dignitatem on my campus to my disapproving non-Catholic brethren, and the Holy Spirit being my love
---I will remember watching my brother's dream come true by getting into Prep.  Holy Spirit provides.
---I will remember Mass and Panera dates with lovely ladies, my morning coffee with G.K. Chesterton, and spontaneous trips to the Shrine...or trying to get to the Shrine through "shortcuts" that add 45 minutes to the ride
---I will remember sassing one of my bosses with a charming smile.  (Only in college)
---I will remember meeting wonderful young people in my parish and talking about letting our hearts come alive.
---I will remember wanting terribly to go back to Spain for my Tia's funeral
---I will remember driving on random nights to iHop with the windows rolled down, music playing ever so loudly, and singing as loudly as I pleased.
---I will remember the reminder that all things come with a plan.  A plan way greater than mine.

I will remember the good; I will remember the challenges; I will remember my silly little heart, wanting everything to be figured out but forgetting joy that surrounds me every day.

It's June 2nd, and I can't imagine a more fabulous start to the summer.

Turn around Cita, you just passed by something beautiful.

May I never forget, may I always remember this marvelous summer.

~Esa Cita

1 comment:

  1. This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wonderful memories!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are such a MARVELOUS friend Cita :)
