Monday, March 5, 2012

Good stuff

Welcome to another one of those days, honey.  It's a morning pack-up for the day until midnight and a walk or two in the wrong direction, but it's okay because I love you so much and you make other hearts shine when you give of your love.  Love conquers your coffee and your desire for completely acquiring what you wanted.  It's three minutes here, 5 minutes there; we are all just here together to share in life and maybe you can throw a couple jokes in that another person's way.

It's when you suffer that you learn what it's all about and how clear it is that the important things are just that--important.  It's when it hurts that what truly defines your personhood is clarified.  So walk with a smile, swing your hips from side to side, and remember that life is good. 

~Esa Cita

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