Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hopeful Closure!!!!

A years worth
of heartache
and disappointment
has been let out
of my heart tonight.

After so long, I finally got to have the talk that I wanted.

It wasn't glamorous like the movies, it wasn't anything horrifyingly dramatic, but it was glorious to me.
I can't tell whether to be disappointed or not about certain things, but I am starting to feel even more at peace. I'm not super happy, I'm just relieved from this depressed cloud.

The feelings are still there; the heart is still pounding for the past, but there is a sense of sincerity, peace and brother and sisterhood that I find comfortably normal. Like things are beginning to go back to the way they should be.

There is healing, there is a softer closure. It's the peace that I needed. I never thought I'd get this, and I still can't believe that it's actually happening. I have honestly not felt this good without trying super hard in sooooo long...I can't believe this.

I hope that I really gain a true closure from this all; I hope that this isn't all in vain.

One more day, one more day of this crap. I can't wait until 4:15PM. By crap, I mean the WORK of school I have to get through...

~Esa Cita

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