Monday, December 20, 2010

Chilly days

Good Stuff.

Teachers. Need. To. Post. Grades.

I've been checking everyday....and I am very proud to say that I only checked twice today. I cannot say the same about the past two days.  I have two more classes left that still need to be posted...come on professors, your due dates are PAST already!!!!!!!!

So unfair.

So, impatience aside, I am happy to say that I am almost done with all my Christmas shopping as of today!  This year I decided to get everyone in my immediate family gifts, something I never do but shall because this semester has put me in an overall  generous/loving mood. Cool stuff, cool stuff.

Dangit, I just realized I didn't have dinner tonight.  I'm pretty hungry, so I'm gonna go.  Nightnight!

Esa Cita

1 comment:

  1. Yay multiple times a day checking PatriotWeb ... yay ... we're going to crash it XD
