Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cold Dedos.

My little cold fingers are quite cold.

As silly a statement as that sounds, that is probably one of the most frustrating things that I come across in the warm indoors while trying to get work done.  When I have cold fingers, I cannot work.  I cannot read, I cannot type...and I become captivated by the need to hold hot mugs, search out my good ole' fingerless gloves, or find any way to warm those little digits.

So much work for those 10 phalanges of mine...all for the greater cause of getting work done and not curling up in my bed to stay warm.

As much as I'd like to talk about myself and how I gave my blue fingerless gloves to a best friend last winter for Christmas so that he could look like Ash Ketchum, perhaps it'd be cooler to tell you about where I went last night.

Actually, my head hurts, I'm tired, and my fingers are warmer.  I think I'll just log off and get back to my work.  Alas, it's the last week of classes and I have my McDonalds final due tomorrow.  

Soon and very soon, I am going to be all through with the Fall Semester of 2010.

~Esa Cita