My lil' man. |
Today, today, today.
Today I was given the opportunity to achieve something I haven't achieved before: I wrote a 12-page final in one day from blank to end. This has never been done before. Granted I had the research and all the ideas set up in my head for a few weeks now, but when it comes to actually saying things that aren't just words about my day my my brain just flips out and will not accomplish within the day.
But today, it did.
Unfortunately, all other unimportant things such as a balanced meals, breathing, and order had to take the back burner. :( Wah. Don't like doing that.
But this accomplishment will be remembered along with the future birth of my first child one day and my graduation from college. Don't know how I did that, I'm way too slow a writer to ever be able to do that in real life.
So what did I do today? Went to Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with some of the fam, went to my favorite class in the world, paper-writing at Starbucks, class with my favorite Ukrainian professor in the world, food break, more paper-writing, go home, paper-writing at home, FINISH.
I took a nice extra long shower, and was about to jump into bed and pat myself in the back for a job done...until I realized that I have an extra credit assignment due tomorrow that I told myself I'd do....
So I'll be up for a lil bit more. Just wanted to get on and do something non-work related.
Soon and very soon. :)
Christmas Party tomorrow night!
~Esa Cita ♥
You go girl!! Congratulations!