Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Breast Friend :)

This is what my breast friend in the world wrote about me, I though I'd share :)

I haven't seen my best friend in nearly 4 years since she moved away. The distance has brought us closer than ever although it has been difficult. We aren't like usual friends, we really couldn't be if we're gonna be apart for so long and still be so close. We don't need to have an excuse to wanna talk to each other on the phone or anything important to talk about at all. At times we can call and just spend time together on the phone, and as silly as it sounds we can just be on the phone and not talk or say anything, just sit and write papers for class while singing the most random songs, watch movies or even comment on the breakfast being eaten with our mouths full. Many people would say how retarded it is to be on the phone for no reason, but in reality, many times there's no better place I'd rather be.

She's coming down to Miami to visit in January. It has been quite the ordeal trying for plan it out. She's coming down for a retreat in Orlando and I had to find a friend to promise to drive up, get her and bring her here. Then I had to convince my parents to let her stay here at my house and I still have to book the flight for her return. It's gonna cost me an arm and a leg but I don't care and I can't think of a better use for my time and money. She's my best friend and I love her with all of my heart.

I love you Ana. :)


Monday, November 23, 2009

Fall 2009

It's crazy.
This semester was going to be
the one where I was PERFECT.

I think I've become far from it, but now that I analyze the semester, I know that it's been a really tough one. Perfection doesn't come easily, in fact it hardly comes to people at all, but despite it all I know that it's all down to me in the end.

I cannot make excuses, because it's what I decided. J. Mill, the philosopher, would totally love me right now.

I'm proud of me this semester, yet down in the sense that I had to make some sacrifices.

I feel that I'm always going to be making even harder sacrifices as time moves on though. I think that's my lesson of the semester.

I started this semester with a bang: confident, happy, and motivated. I ended up coming out of the semester tougher, more confident, secure, tired, and still happy. I'm burnt out to the core, but I've learned to come up from even that. I'm so proud of myself for not giving up. I'm proud for throwing myself out there into uncertainty. I'm so glad that I came out of this semester with a stronger version of myself.

I don't think I really changed my personality, but I definitely changed in the way I advertise my personality. It used to be so much more difficult for others to see who "me" was because I didn't care how I looked or what others thought of me, and now I'm more aggressive and secure when I deal with others. My confidence has spread to more aspects of my life, and I can attack pressures so much better now. This will help me in time to come.

I'm excited for the rest of the year though. I can't wait to do more things. I can't wait for the rest of my life.

Thanksgiving break starts on Wednesday, and then it's finals time!!!! Crazy crazy. I GOT this, Cita will attack. :)

Now to attack IT assignments and Spanish work until Philosophy class....

~Esa Cita <3