Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It is time to celebrate.  Come on friends, do a little jig with me, for I was like this all day:

In my special "Shecave," where heroes, leaders, and papers are made.
I was working on a paper.

And now, I am finished with that paper.  You don't want to see my current face, because it's quite tired.  Here's another face instead:

Procrastination face.

So, I will celebrate.

I will celebrate by: texting my friends back, taking a sip of lemonade, blasting the music I stopped listening to, and cleaning my room that has been trashed by my recent trip to the mountains.

Goodnight world, the trashed room is calling.  And so is God...He's about to receive a bunch of prayers of thanksgiving for a completed paper and fruitful day with my sisters who care about each others' salvation.

~Esa Cita

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Samantha's Stop

You know Samantha, you’re the kind of gal that gives all that she has.  She has the passion; she has the heart of a soldier.  She gives and gives until the world can’t possibly squeeze any more heart out of her being.  She doesn’t mind though; she simply pushes on through like the massive producer of love, heroes, and leaders that she is.  Inspiring the crowds as she goes, speaking to classrooms and mini groups, personally taking in the people of the world while writing a book and reading a novel along with a spiritual reading or two…there’s not much she hasn’t stuck her head into.  Nothing but missions make her life and there’s not a single person that doesn’t like her, except when she’s not leading them because that means that she’s not working hard enough for them.

You think that this is the way that you can live, but mark my words Samantha; the day will draw near when a new mission will come around for you and the world will not be ready for it.  You’re going to be called to a mission where no past mission can really follow.  You will be so faithful to it that you won’t know anything else in the world.  You will be so in love that there will be nothing else and nowhere else where you can go.  Mark my words Samantha, love will hit you so hard that there will be no other place to go but to where your heart is finally home.  That is the day that I will pay to be a part of; I want to see you so in love that the world won’t be able to stand it because of your fire.  I want to see you taking the world by it’s neck and wringing the death out of it with that heart of yours, that fire of love that God gave you.

~Esa Cita

Saturday, October 1, 2011


This is a blogpost that is so on point.  Please read this.

~Esa Cita