Fun fact of the day: it isn't a hotel.
So anyways, I think the best part of the whole show was not even Owl City. I really enjoyed the openers, they were some fabulous kids.
Unicorn Kid, a totally instrumental guy with a sweet hat, had some sweet beats. All the 14-year-old girls were all like "0h-mah-gah he's soooooo adorable" which was pretty funny because I'm pretty sure if he wasn't famous they wouldn't care...they only cheered when the songs would switch off beats or something...things that you see on TV. Yahoo, flashback to high school with the fake b*tchyness that the TV shows.
Oh, I shall tell you: the picture here was not taken by myself, it was taken by my brother Frankie of my brother Augie. Cute kid eh? :)
So back to the concert: it was sweet. After Unicorn Kid, there was a lady with an AMAZING vocal range. Her names Kate Havnevik and she's from Norway. We caught her after the show as she was coming out of the bathroom and we got pictures and autographs with her. Frankie got her to sign his pick and she said that he's the first person she's done that for. He was proud. I signed up for her mail-list. I know, I'm hardcore.
She's my new favorite artist, I announced it to Ana last night and everything. Tay-Swift is still number one due to the fact that she probably always she IS me. But Kate and Brooke Fraser are next. Fo sho.
After Kate, Owl City got on and did his Owl City thing. It was sweet, pretty cool stuff and I wish I had a better camera. I don't know if I'll ever go to a concert with him again though..too many 14-year-old girls...they b*tch too much. This one girl got mad because my hair was in her face. Really?! Her friend was like why don't you tell her to move or to keep her head straight. I wanted to say something but at the time I was too out of it to think clearly and I didn't want to do something stupid....I was already visualizing my fist punching her nose and I was getting pumped. A little mean...I know. I just can't stand whiny girls. So I held it in and kept enjoying the show. But I really wanted to cuss and knock her to the ground and scare her other little friends. God loves me for my wonderful decision...I hope. Haha.
So I'm going to report my progress for WEEK TWO!
"I will go to bed early Tuesday and Wednesday nights" Well, I tried. I failed. Tuesday I left school as soon as I could and didn't go out to Brion's with the girls. But I still ended up going to bed late. Wednesday or Thursday morning, I forget, I listened to Obama's healthcare address to congress. Joe Wilson is the man. Gotta love him speaking from his heart. The funniest thing is that he's known for being a soft spoken guy. But I stayed up late that night because the Address pushed my homework back.
"I will finish all my stuff that I have to turn in Friday" I did it! I am so proud of myself. Stayed up, got 3 hours of sleep, and am still recovering for it on this Sunday morning, but I DID IT! The two weeks of hard work is over! Now time for the hard work to begin....not to mention the first 2 "easy weeks" of classes is over now. I'm gonna have to keep stepping it up.
"I will stay on top of homework for all my classes: WATCH OUT FOR SPANISH" I DID it. Yay. I showed up a half an hour late to my Spanish class on Wednesday and skipped my Philosophy class because I was feeling really crappy and dizzy that morning but I did the work and am still doing it. I will keep working hard.
"I will use "The List" Check, I used the list. :)
"I will accomplish one thing for "in the future"...preferably class-related like a paper topic or project" Well, I looked online and got possible info for my IT 103 paper. Does that count?
"I will go to the Students Helping Honduras meeting on Wednesday" Yessir.
"email old EVVP teacher to volunteer" Sorry. :(
"I will drink tons of water" I did on a couple of the days.
"I will make my voice better by being healthy: sleep, water, actually taking allergy meds, not being so stressed out" Sleep, not so much but decent until Thursday night. Water...same. Allergy went downhill on Friday. Not being stressed out? Well, I stay good natured.
So overall, I'd say it's a success. I just need to do homework for the next 2 hours and then I may be pretty well squared away and then I'll do long term things during my Monday morning work slot.
A good song? American Ride by Toby Keith. It's so funny, and so true. That dude keeps it real. Gotta love it.
I might take up fencing. Cece is joining the club and I'm doing it with her. Yay! Something new.
I sure wish I had some lunch with me. I get off of work at two. About two more hours...I can do this. Go Cita. Now I'm off to do homework.
~Esa Cita ♥
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