This weekend marks official OVER A MONTH of being back in school. It feels like I've been here FOREVER!!! Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes I get the big reminders that the day of rest is totally and completely necessary. After Thursday night, I totally flopped... and been passing out of being able to make legitimate conversation by midnight every single night without fail. Sorry to everyone who wanted to talk to me any night for the past few days...
Friday night, I celebrated my girl's feast was nice times. Good fellowship, good cookies. I'd say quite the lovely night.
Saturday day: Matt and Carmen date day...Yaahhhhooo! Saturday night: family dinner. I miss having dinner with the fam, so good times.
Today is Sunday, and although it's supposed to be a "day of rest" I've been homework-ing it up while trying to ignore this annoying dizziness that's been bugging me all day. So I may just go running in a few minutes to get my head to stop killing me. Don't feel well enough to go to Mass again tonight. :/
But fear not, Matt Maher is playing in the background, and Love has come to show the way.
Off to attack this grumpy body of mine.
~Esa Cita
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