From the Cross, in the final moments when Mercy, Love and Compassion Itself is on the threshold of completing the greatest act the universe will ever know, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity experiences his greatest thirst. And, at last, "It is finished" (Jn 19:30).
His greatest thirst is for me; He gives me living water, His Body and Blood, and because of that I receive Eternal Salvation. This is the greatest love story I'll ever know.
The "sacred Triduum is the 'mystery of love without limit,' ´having loved his own who were in the world . . . loved them to the end´" (Jn 13:1). -JPIIA criminal's death to complete a covenant; this covenant is beyond human capacity, it is a radical thirst of love that I only wish I were capable to give.
"The Eucharist is an eloquent sign of this total, free and gratuitous love, and offers each person the joy of the presence of the One who enables us too to love ´to the end´ in imitation of him. The love that Jesus proposes to his disciples is demanding"—Pope John Paul IIA few more words about Good Friday:
The Cross challenges us, it troubles our consciences, it reveals in the light of reality our failings and sin. It demands change and repentance; it demands a new life of unity with Christ and his people. It demands love. Yet the Cross, too, brings us to a new beginning; one where, in sublime wonder, we see that God offers us salvation through his Son that we may forever live with the Holy Trinity. In view of our Lord´s selfless act on the Cross, we might boldly claim that our own death has been put to death by Love.What a love. What a Good Friday.
so so awesome :D