Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Habitual postings

I have a bad habit of going to this blog when I am distracted...such as this exact moment.  Now, I have an assignment that I told myself I'd finish by seven, and the time is 6:30pm.  Will I finish? Highly likely.  Will I be speedy Gonzalez? Yes, that's likely as well. I had a few horrid lessons in procrastination this weekend, and man oh man did I pay for them.

It's funny how some people just keep on learning the same old lessons, day after day.  I'm pretty sure that the only thing that would motivate me to do my work is a cookie and a communist I wanted to prove a point to. 6:32pm.

Actually, I'm going to walk outside this little booth. See ya.

Okay, I'm back, didya miss me? 6:43pm.

Time to actually accomplish work. Nonprofit management class awaits my assignment.

~Esa Cita

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