Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I go back to now

This morning when I woke up, there was something new in the air.  There was a freshness, a joy, a lightness that's even way better than coffee.

I woke up with a smile on my heart and turned my head to the side.  There, in front of my eyes, was a photo of the face of a person that I love so much.  I couldn't help but smile with my lips.

With many country songs playing one after another, I peeked out my windowsill to get a glimpse of the sky.  My favorite color smiled at me, and told me that I was going to have a great day.  "I love you sweetheart," whispered my comfortable bed, and I immediately thought of loved ones that make me smile every single day.  Blowing a kiss to the photo, I cuddled up with my pillow to the thought of my 10AM goal before my 10:30 law class. There's a lovely place waiting for me, why not jump on out of bed with joy?

Easter is in the air.  It's in the sky; it's in the souls. Amen, Alleluia.  What more could one want?

College has given me four more weeks to be a student before I'm supposed to walk around this world, informing all whom I encounter that I was educated at a university in the same way that a Big Mac is cooked, and therefore am worthy of your time.  Nonetheless, as prestigious as I am convinced that a Happy Meal education sounds to strangers, I do not see a need for pretending to be the mature person whom I am not.

Today, I slapped my co-worker on the bottom because she slapped me 3 times.  I also quoted Mulan word-for-word at my house, bounced like a five-year-old during the first twenty minutes of a holy hour, and sang my heart out on the road back home.  Most significantly, I changed the computer background image to a picture of Charmander to spite whichever sibling decided to have it set to a photo of Squirtle.  Life's pretty serious these days. 

I have recently been hit with a little challenge: glorifying my last days as a college undergrad.  There aren't many more chances for me to do this, so I aim to do a lil somethin' somethin' on a daily basis.

My dear friends should expect pranks, laughs, smiles, and jokes.

Happy Easter!

~Esa Cita

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing :) God bless you!
