Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Full of Thanks.

Awesome Picture.

I am now on Turkey Break!

So awesome. Breaks are one of those beautiful blessings that give you a chance to do great things, like clean your room, fix your heart, sleep, fix your body, and read things

My original goals for this break were to work on my back's health and to get caught up in school so that I can be ready for FINALS coming up. YIKES.

To Do:
  • Run every morning
  • Mass every morning, get good un-interrupted prayer in
  • back exercises every day
  • go to bed by 12:30 every night, get my body rested
  • start and finish my GOVT paper before break ends
Tuesday (yesterday) came around and changed things up on me. I woke up with huge back pain...pain so strong that I haven't felt in months. :( I couldn't carry more than one book...I couldn't take deep breaths, turn my head, or move my body without extreme pain. It's so weird, I thought I was past all that! But running may have to wait until maybe Friday or Saturday. We shall see.

Buuuuuut....What have I done so far?
  • watched the end of When Harry Met Sally...I've never watched it before! :)
  • slept in, laying down feels so much better than having to sit up
  • cleaned some of my room
  • currently doing work for the charity that I work for as I babysit the siblings
It's nothing I planned on doing, but spontaneity tends to be a bit funner. After sleeping in a ton my backs been feeling a bit better, and I've been stretching it out as I rate some albums. My volunteer job for the childrens' charity is pretty cool despite the hours it takes to listen, it's something I like to do.

My mom and my brothers are at Mickie Hernandez's funeral today as I babysit the little ones. The violence and drama that's been happening makes me even more thankful for all the opportunities that I've been given by just being born. I've been blessed with so much... so so much. To anyone reading this, please pray for Mickie, his family, community, and whole city of Manassas that is dealing with this tragedy.

The picture I posted is an awesome thing I found online. I sent it to my Dad and he thought it was great too.

That's all for now..I'll probably post some more tomorrow!

~Esa Cita


  1. LOVE the picture! It's so true (the head line, that is).
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Love When Harry Met Sally! And that picture is hilarious. I hope your back is feeling better. Do your exercises! (I know I need to do mine!)
